What to Expect During a Mommy Makeover Consultation


In the wake of an increase in mommy makeover interest among patients at our practice, I thought I would provide an overview of the popular combination procedure as a resource for mothers considering cosmetic surgery. Throughout a series of four blog posts, I will cover my approach to the mommy makeover procedural process in its entirety, beginning with how I conduct the presurgical consultation.

The Consultation

I use the initial consultation for a mommy makeover as an opportunity to visit with the patient, get to know her, and find out what concerns she has in regard to her body. It is my first opportunity to just sit back and listen as she describes what really bothers her and what she wants addressed so that I may determine how aggressive I need to be in order to effectively achieve her goals. I will then inquire about her family support system, job requirements and limitations, and any potential timing issues. This will be followed by an examination – with a chaperone present – during which I’ll look at the target treatment areas individually, as well as the entire body and the relationship between the breast, belly, and legs. Lastly, I will make some suggestions about areas she may have not considered if I feel that lack of attention to these areas may compromise the final result.

Overall, the mommy makeover consultation is a low pressure interaction and I try my best to make patients as comfortable as possible while bearing in mind that not everyone feels at ease discussing their self-perceived cosmetic imperfections.

Stay Tuned

To learn more about this popular procedure, stay tuned for the second installment of this blog series in which I will describe typical candidates for a mommy makeover.

Dr. Steven Holzman

Contact the Plastic Surgery Center of Austin

To schedule a mommy makeover consultation with Dr. Holzman or Dr. David Mosier, please feel free to contact the Plastic Surgery Center of Austin today.