Large, heavy breasts can be the source of serious physical pain. Chronic back and neck pain, skin irritation, and limited range of motion can be an imposing burden for many women. At our Austin plastic surgery practice, we offer breast reduction surgery to decrease the weight and size of large breasts and therefore relieve our patients of such daily strain.
The Breast Reduction Procedure
Breast reduction begins with a comprehensive consultation to discuss the patient’s desired surgical outcome. After deciding the ideal size of the new bust line, our surgeon will formulate a customized plan for reducing the breasts that will result in the least amount of scarring and produce symmetrical, proportionate results. During breast reduction surgery, our surgeon will make an initial incision around the outside of the nipple and vertically down the underside of the breast. He will then evenly remove the appropriate amount of excess breast and fat tissue before carefully reforming the breasts and suturing the incisions closed. The doctor will reposition the nipple if necessary to ensure the most natural looking results.
Results of Breast Reduction – Symmetrical and Proportionate
Our patients who have undergone breast reduction generally experience a drastic reduction in back and neck pain as well as increased self-confidence after surgery. Their new, more manageable bust line affords them greater mobility and the freedom to dress in clothing and undergarments they were formerly unable to wear. Contact us today for more information about breast reduction.
View Before & After Procedures Performed by David Mosier, M.D.

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View Before & After Procedures Performed by Steven Holzman, M.D.

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*Individual Results May Vary